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Product innovation through design research and journey mapping
Life Sciences
Thermo Fisher, a global leader in scientific solutions, sought to understand and improve the user experience surrounding their Finntip and Finnpipette products. These tools play a critical role in laboratory research, so the company aimed to address product pain points related to liquid mishandling, manufacturing consistency, and user education. Design research was conducted at Northwestern University to delve into the day-to-day journey and ecosystem of researchers in common lab settings.
Project outcomes
Thermo Fisher sought to better understand and improve the user experience surrounding their Finntip and Finnpipette products. Recognizing the critical role these tools play in laboratories, the company aimed to address issues related to liquid mishandling, manufacturing consistency, and researcher education. Design research was conducted to map behaviors and product use to the user journey - revealing pain points in the existing product experience and providing opportunities for product improvements.

Our research revealed several key factors including the importance of consistent results, the driving factor responsible for instilling confidence and trust in users. Optimizing tips through manufacturer recommended processes and product education ensured precise measurements and more consistent outcomes.
Our recommendations led to redesigned packaging to provide improved access to tips when loading onto a Finnpipette, thereby enhancing usability. Efforts were also made to reduce the time spent loading pipettes and distributing liquid materials, making the process more user-friendly while building brand loyalty. When researchers face the discontinuation of their preferred tips, Thermo Fisher provides expert guidance to find suitable replacements, emphasizing that finding a new "old reliable" was both easy and possible.

The implementation of these solutions yielded transformative results. The user experience was significantly enhanced through a focus on precision, consistency, and ease of use. Customer relationships were strengthened through engagement and appreciation, fostering loyalty and connection. The redesign of packaging and optimization of tips facilitated more efficient workflows, while the emphasis on quality and support in finding replacement tips reinforced customer trust and confidence.
Thermo Fisher's commitment to understanding and addressing the unique challenges faced by its users not only elevated the Finntip and Finnpipette experience but also solidified its reputation as a responsive and trusted partner in the scientific community. The project stands as a testament to the power of user-centric innovation and the positive impact it can have on both products and customer relationships.